You are here: Home Points of Interest The Vandans Legend Trail The Vandans Ill Bridge
In 1894 and again in 1910 the runoff from the Ill River was blocked and a reservoir was formed between Vandans and St. Anton.  It was quite a few kilometers long.
Rechtswert:  9.86740586
Northing: 47.09769732
Altitude: 634.0


In 1894 and again in 1910 the runoff from the Ill River was blocked and a reservoir was formed between Vandans and St. Anton. It was quite a few kilometers long.

Between the town centre of Vandans and the Ill Bridge

Here, at the river bank of the Ill, we find the first station on the Vandans Legend Trail. It starts with a true story, partly in the words of the sister of the young man from Vandans named Schoder that lost his life here in a tragic accident.

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