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Information at every turn

by Peter Steurer last modified 2016-03-15 16:23

Loccata was a project from 01.03.2006 to 21.09.2009. It delivered location based texts, images and audio files for an interactive hiking application in the region of Montafon. Through the new implementation of the Montafon and Vorarlberg app, the whole content of this site was migrated. Since 2016, the downloads and audio files are not available on this site anymore.

Current hiking apps (2016)


RPDAStart up - Start walking - Get location based information

Get information before you go on holiays about the new hiking possibilities that are being offered in the Montafon.  The Montafon is offering the SmartGuide, a digital hiking escort for rent.  This compact pocket computer tells and shows you everything you need to know about the history, the landscape and the culture on the route that you picked out.

The SmartGuide is user friendly and can be compared to an audio guide in a museum - only it's outside.  By way of GPS, the current position of the PDA is pinpointed and shown on the digital hiking map.


Is your mobile telephone Java and Bluetooth enabled?

If so, download the MontaPhone onto your mobile! 

The MontaPhone contains all of the information points in the Montafon that can be called up directly.  (You only pay for a local call to a land line.)  Connect to a GPS receiver with Bluetooth.  The satellites help to pinpoint your position and calculate the distance to all of the points of interest.  If you get to within 30 meters of a point, your mobile telephone will vibrate in your pocket.  Now you have the chance to get information on location.  The MontaPhone also works without GPS, but then not in relation to location.

We wish you a new kind of hiking experience in the Montafon.

Rent your digital hiking escort in our Tourism offices or install the software on your own equipment.  If you have any questions, please contact us:

Montafon Tourismus

Montafonerstr. 21, A-6780 Schruns / Austria

Tel.: +43 (0)5556 722530

Fax: +43 (0)5556 74856 

Office Hours:

Monday – Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Sundays and holidays: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

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