You are here: Home Points of Interest Miners Path Kristberg Riader
Decorative grass with long white overhanging leaves.  Height about 60 cm.  Grows in small bushes.  Flowers, golden yellow.  August - October.  Autumn colour, straw yellow.
Rechtswert:  9.97759315
Northing: 47.108076
Altitude: 1581.0


Decorative grass with long white overhanging leaves. Height about 60 cm. Grows in small bushes. Flowers, golden yellow. August - October. Autumn colour, straw yellow.

Kristberg Riader

Extensive flat moors shape the landscape below the Kristbergsattel. The “Kristberg Riader” or Fen Meadows are only mown once a year and have all types of fauna and flora.

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