You are here: Home Points of Interest LITZ Walkabout Ill Water Catchment
4.03 meters difference in elevation.  Made up of 30 basins.  Each basin measures 1.90 m X 1.20 m.
Rechtswert:  9.890922261
Northing: 47.084375729


4.03 meters difference in elevation. Made up of 30 basins. Each basin measures 1.90 m X 1.20 m.

The Ill Reservoir

This water reservoir was built by the Vorarlberg Ill power plant. They also erected stairs for the fish in Schruns-Rodund in 2004. This allows fish and other small animals that live in the water to get upstream. The Ill is a tributary of the Rhine River and is 75 km. long. It flows into the Rhine north of Feldkirch.

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