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by Theresa König last modified 2007-01-09 21:17

From here you can catch the Montafon train back to Schruns at the station or you can follow the path to the left along the Ill and walk back to Schruns by way of Tschagguns.  Please look out for cyclists.  From here you can see the Hochjoch ski and hiking area above Schruns.  The Lutt plot is on the Bartholomaeberg side.  In January, 1954, the "Lutt Avalanche" thundered into the valley burying 35 villagers and taking the lives of 18 of them.  The avalanche started way at the top, in the forest - a place called Rellseck where you can hike to.  There is a beautiful view of Rhine valley from there.  


P09-1 Kaltenbrunnen.mp3

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