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The Witch on the Path

by Theresa König last modified 2007-11-07 11:10

It was in the year 1866.  A young girl from Vandans was walking home from threshing with her pitchfork on her shoulder on the small street from Zwischenbach to Vens.  There, where the small grass path turns off to St. Anton, a woman suddenly hurried past.  She had a red kerchief on her head and her feet hardly even touched the ground.  The girl hurried on.  When she came to a certain house she heard music and the sound of a cat.  That was too much for her.  With a pounding heart the young girl ran home.  Once there she called out “Mother, mother!  Come here” The mother ran up to her daughter and asked the child what was wrong while taking the pitchfork from her.  The girl said “A witch breathed on me!” to which the mother answered “Thank God I blessed you with holy water this morning.”


P02-2_The Witch on the Path.mp3

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