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The Warnings of the Night Folk

by Theresa König last modified 2007-11-08 11:13

A man wanted to go home one night and he came to the Mustergiel Brook in Vandans and suddenly heard brilliant music coming down from the canyon so he stayed still and listened.  After a while a big dark haired man came down out of the canyon with a pipe in his mouth and a baton in his hand, and said: “Look here, friend, stand over to the right for a while and maybe loosen the garter under your right knee because there are some people coming down.”  The man did as he was told and soon enough the Night Folk came crashing by with their drums and whistles.  The last one to pass had a ladle in his hand. 
Another man from the Montafon was given a similar warning when he was walking along the Grad Brook by moon light one night.  He stood still watching the Night Folk on their way down from the canyon.  Suddenly one of the Night Folk came over to him and said to him “Godfather, go away.”  The man felt a shiver run down his back and he ran off.1


1 Vonbun 1980: 131


P12-3_The Warnings.mp3

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