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Information on the plates up to Rellseck

by Theresa König last modified 2008-02-19 15:06

Information on the plates up to Rellseck

When walking along the trail you cross the sediments of the Alpine Verrucano and the Buntsandstein.  Starting at the edge of the forest, you might recognize some carbonates which mark the beginning of the complete marine sedimentary sequence, starting with the Punt-la-drossa-schists which are overlain by the Alpiner Muschelkalk, which, in turn, is exposed at the right side of the trail for quite a distance. Plate 5 explains the Punt-la-drossa-schists which can be found at the right side of the trail. The rauhwacke, sandstone and dolomites of the Punt-la-drossa-schist indicate a retreat of the marine sea and very shallow marine conditions. Walking north along the trail, first you cross layered carbonates and dolomites, followed by clay stones and schists in the meadows which are overlain by carbonates and dolomites and then on to plate 6. The carbonates of the Alpiner Muschelkalk as well as volcanic tuff were deposited in a warm marine, tropical environment sea. Therefore, parts of shells, burrows and echinoderms can be found as fossils. During the deposition of the upper parts of the formation, life conditions started to worsen and more clay-bearing sediments like marls were deposited.

Interesting outcrops of the Alpiner Muschelkalk are present in the cleft of the road from Rellseck to Bartholomaeberg beginning at the edge of the forest and going downhill to Rellseck and also at the embankment near plate 19 between the Fritzen and Fula lakes.


P03-3 Information on the plates up to Rellseck.mp3

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