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by Theresa König last modified 2008-02-19 15:07


General information:

From “Rellseck” (1,483 m above sea level.) a scenic view opens up on the mountains of the Rätikon, the Walgau valley and the part of the Rhine valley that is in Vorarlberg as well as the Swiss Säntis mountain group and into the Alpine foreland.

Information about the structure of the Alps, the large slope movement of Davenna and the groundwater-flow into the chain of the Vandanser Steinwand is also available.

The “Rellseck” plate – number 7, is located south of the Rellseck chapel just above the inn. The Inn's business hours are posted on the notice board at the shop in Bartholomaeberg.

From Rellseck you have the option of leaving the geology trail, and thereby shortening the walk. Follow the road to the turn off to Fritzensee or Lake Fritzen, then cross the sequence  Alpiner Muschelkalk, Punt-la-drossa-formation, and then  Alpiner Muschelkalk, Punt-la-drossa-formation again and finally the Alpine Verrucano at the turn off. Follow the road which has a slight incline, to plate 22, then cross the meadows going downhill to the mining area “Knappagruaba” and return to the church in Bartholomaeberg.

Before you get too engrossed in the geological history, you should enjoy the vast panorama. To help you with your orientation, you can get the names of all the peaks on the “Rellseck” plate and by pressing number 5 to see plate 2 - “Linde” again.

Press 1 for detailed information relating to the nappe structure of the Alps.
Press 2 to find out about the large mass movement of the Davenna slope.
Press 3 for details concerning the water flow in the Vandanser Steinwand mountain chain.
Press 4 for information on the other plates right up to “Alpilakopf” which is plate 12.


P04-0 Shorttext Rellseck.mp3

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