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The Groundwater Flow in the Mountains

by Theresa König last modified 2008-02-19 15:16

The Groundwater Flow in the Mountains

There are several springs on the valley floor near Lörüns. About 250 to 300 litres of high-quality-water reach the surface from the depths (or rather peaks) of the mountains per second. A detailed investigation showed that the water needs about 7 years to seep through the rock from the peak regions of Saulakopf and Zimba to the valley floor at Lorüns. It produces about 41,000,000 m³ of drinking water every year. The alimentation area for these springs extends over an area of 8.4 km².  As the water needs about 7 years to flow down, it is free from all contamination. In a worst case scenario it would also be free of radioactive contamination for the same amount of time. Nevertheless, let’s just hope that the worst case scenario will never become reality!

A similar stream of water in the core of the mountains was found further to the west near Nüziders. The water from the so called “Sonnenberg” spring is used by RAUCH, a well known company   that produces fruit juices.


P04-3 The Groundwater Flow in the Mountains.mp3

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